Giving Birth with Hypnotherapy
Hypnotherapy with Easibirthing for Giving Birth
Are you anxious about giving birth? Would you like to feel more confident about giving birth? Would you like a birthing experience that was positive and relaxed? Wishing for a shorter labour and less medical intervention? Birth, both giving and being birthed, is the single most important event of one's life. It is what we're made for. Our bodies are equipped for it, both giving birth and being born. It's been happening for millions of years and will carry on for millions of years to come. Childbirth has the ability to connect you with your inherent confidence and innate wisdom of your body and is one of the most empowering experiences for a woman or couple. With so many myths and misconceptions around giving birth, it's no wonder there is fear around the experience. However, there doesn't have to be. You can have the birth you were designed to have and wish for. Angela trained with Sharon Mustard in Easibirthing, a method of hypnosis which trains your mind and body to feel calm, confident and in control and enables you to connect with that inner wisdom on giving birth to your baby. |
Whether you wish for a home birth, a hospital birth or a birth in the natural birthing centre, Angela's Easibirthing courses equip you with the strategies, mindset and perceptions for a natural, manageable birth, making them a must-do antenatal class for parents to be. Angela's aim is to help you re-connect to your innate confidence and ability to give birth. She's there to support, educate and inspire you in ways to gently give birth to your baby.
For a more comfortable and reduced stress child-birth experience, contact Angela on 07736 480 376 or email her now via the contact form.
For a more comfortable and reduced stress child-birth experience, contact Angela on 07736 480 376 or email her now via the contact form.