Changing Behavioural Habits
Some habits are good for us! However, some habits are not so productive or positive.
What is a habit? A habit is a pattern of behaviour acquired through frequent repetition. Some habits are formed as a learnt response to a particular situation. For example, disrupted sleep patterns may fall into this category, where you may have had disrupted sleep for a few weeks due to stress or worry but now that the stress has been alleviated the behaviour of disrupted sleep has become a habit. How are habits formed? All behaviour is unconscious. We may sometimes be consciously aware that we are doing the behaviour but the control lies outside our rational, conscious mind. If the behaviour was the responsibility of your conscious control you’d be able to say “stop nail biting” and you would. However, all behaviour as a purpose, a positive intention and learnt at an unconscious level. Once behaviour is learnt, frequent repetition insures its unconscious installation. That’s good news, as that means positive behaviours and feel good habits are learnt this way too! Your unconscious mind learns quickly so it is possible to overcome and change any behaviour with the right guidance. |
Perhaps you have a habit that's been bothering you? Here are some of the habits Angela has worked with:
How can Angela help me? Hypnotherapy provides genuine help and relief to many habits and behaviours. Habits are learnt unconsciously and are an automatic response to either an internal thought or emotion or an external experience. As a hypnotherapist, Angela uses hypnosis to assist your unconscious mind in eliciting the positive intention or purpose of the habit, such as relieving stress or distracting you from worry. During hypnosis the unconscious mind learns to change the behaviour, as well as forming other, more positive and beneficial coping strategies for stress, leaving you free from the habit. As with all conditions Angela works with, the underlying cause of any behaviour is addressed in order to provide the client with lasting behavioural change. A combination of psychotherapeutic, hypnotic and NLP techniques are used to give a comprehensive treatment for habits. For further information, contact Angela on 07736 480 376 or email her now. |